Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.
June 16 at 7:17 PM · Shared with Public
A Message From RID President Jonathan Webb: Staffing Update
Greetings RID members, sign language interpreters, and Deaf community members-
As you are likely aware, RID has received quite a bit of communication over this last week relative to the Kappa Gamma picture that was recently re-released. Our initial response was a complete denouncement of racism, anti-semitism, and white supremacy. However, some individuals seen in the picture serve within RID in various capacities. We acknowledge that stakeholders would like matters around pictured KG members serving in RID handled immediately, and relationships with those individuals severed. We understand your passion around these issues. These issues are of course tied up in human resources and employment law. Because of our fiduciary responsibility, the Board must make decisions that protects the association. We have taken the time needed to determine, and now announce, that Mr. Bill Millios is no longer serving as RID Communications Director as of close of business, 19 June 2020.
In terms of this change in HQ staffing it is important to convey that the change is not happening because of the picture; but rather, the change is based in the ability to fulfill the essential function of the Communications Director position. The Communications Director position requires one to serve as the face of communications and information for an organization. Our members and stakeholders have made it clear to us that Mr. Millios is no longer able to adequately serve as the face of RID. Our communities and professionals have indicated that the subsequent communication, explanations, and apology offered following the picture’s re-release are unacceptable, and to maintain the employer-employee relationship would be to jeopardize our relationships with our Deaf communities and interpreting professionals. To ignore this would cause even greater harm than has already occurred.
We appreciate your patience as we navigated legal systems to ensure the security of RID and its mission. You can anticipate seeing other changes from RID as well, communicated when appropriate. For now, we encourage you to please support and care for each other during these trying times.
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf